Heather Alkire's blog

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Baby Mabery Is Here!

Hello, everyone! Just a quick update before we hop on a plane tomorrow to head back to the States. :( I'm sad about leaving, but I do have some happy news to share! As the title of this post states, Baby Mabery was born! Her name is Aubry Nicole, and she was born at 11:55 PM on Sunday, August 12, with five minutes to spare so that her birthday could be on Brazilian Father's Day this year. What a great Father's Day present for Matt, huh? :) Anyway, I have some pictures to share, but I will have to post them when I get home. I will tell you, though, that she is absolutely beautiful!

In other news, the VBS program at church yesterday went off without a hitch. I forgot to count the number of kids, but we had a great turnout! All of the regulars were there, plus a couple of new faces! We even had a couple of new faces in the audience, too: at least one of the kids' parents who had never before come to our church. Praise God! Laura and I were also thoroughly blessed and encouraged by the church, and we had the privilege of showing off (as much as we could in the darkness) and dedicating our children's mural.

Well, it's late, and I better sign off. Laura and I leave Salvador at 5:25 PM tomorrow to begin our nearly 24 hour journey home. Please pray for safe and smooth travel for us! The next time I post I will be back on American soil! Ate mais!


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