Heather Alkire's blog

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Send-off Reception and Blessing

For anyone who is in Abilene and interested, there will be a reception honoring me before I leave for Salvador. It is this Saturday evening, May 31 from 7:00-8:30 pm (come and go). It will be in the Living room (right next to the gym) at Highland Church of Christ. Also, there will be a special time of blessing for me in worship on Sunday morning, June 1. All are welcome! I appreciate your continued prayers as my departure date gets closer and closer!! I'd love to see you before I leave if you are in town, so stop by the reception or give me a call sometime in the next two weeks!

Thursday, May 08, 2008

One Month and Counting!!

It's hard to believe it, but one month from today, I will be landing in my new home in Salvador, Brazil. I don't think it's quite sunk in yet. My head knows that I'm going, but it still doesn't really feel real. I think even when I leave, it might still feel like just going away for the summer like last year. It probably won't be until late August or September until I finally realize that I will LIVE in Salvador for two years. Luckily, though, I will be coming home from Christmas. So nobody has to miss me too badly! :)

Please be praying for this time of transition. Pray that I can get done everything that needs to be done before leaving. Pray for the last bit of my fundraising to come in. There are some great stories about that. God has been so faithful! Pray for my family and close friends as we get ready to be apart for a little while. And, of course, pray for the team and church in Salvador to be ready to receive me. I will be jumping in with both feet as soon as I land!

If anyone is interested, there is a send-off reception being planned for me on Saturday evening, May 31 at Highland. Exact location and time are yet to be determined, but I will post those details here when I know them. Also, there will be a special time of blessing during the Highland worship service on June 1. I officially fly out from the Abilene airport on June 7 in the afternoon.

Thanks, everyone, for your faithful prayers and support!