We're Almost Off!

Laura and I are just two days away from taking off on our ten week internship to Salvador, Brazil! (Monday, June 4 is the official day we fly out from Abilene.) We are so excited, but we are also running around like crazy trying to get everything taken care of before we leave! Here are some things you can be praying about for us in the next few days:
- safe travel (We leave on Monday afternoon and won't arrive in Salvador until early afternoon on Tuesday.)
- our families we are leaving behind for the summer
- quick recovery from jet lag and initial culture shock
- immediate bonds created with the missionary team and Brazilians
We covet your prayers, and we really appreciate all the love and support we have received to get to Brazil! Now we are excited to see how the Lord will bless our time there! Check back here in about a week for more updates about our first few days on the field!
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