Home Sweet Home
So we are back in the United States now and officially experiencing reverse culture shock. It's the little things, you know? I went to WalMart today and was surprised to see the signs over the aisles in English. You laugh, but I'm serious! Hiper Bom Preco, the grocery store we went to in Salvador is owned by WalMart, so all the signs over the aisles are in the exact same colors and fonts as the WalMarts in the States; they are just in Portuguese. So I got used to them being in another language. It's other things, too, like remembering I can flush my toilet paper and speak to waiters in English. :)
I know that as the next few weeks go on, I will get used to my old habits again and silly things like WalMart won't feel strange anymore. But even as life in the U.S. becomes normal again, the"saudades" I have for my friends and my church in Salvador will not go away. ("Saudades" are a deep feeling of longing, of missing something because you're missing part of your heart.) I miss the team, I miss the Brazilians, I miss Portuguese. As my good friend Dr. Hale said, "There's just something about Brazil that gets inside your heart and doesn't let go." And this is what will keep me coming back again and again, as long as the Lord will let me.
Thank you, Lord, for a wonderful summer, for all the incredible experiences you gave me and the amazing people you put in my path. Thank you for the things I learned about myself and the things I learned about you and your kingdom. Please bless your body in Salvador. Help them to continue to grow and shine your light in that city.
I also would like to thank all of you readers for all of your prayers, support, and encouragement. I know that I have thanked you multiple times for this, but I truly could not have done this summer without you. We really do need each other in the body of Christ! This is a lesson I have learned all too well this summer. As promised, here are some pics of our last few days in Salvador, including pictures of the newest addition to the team!
Randy speaks a word of thanks to Laura and I on behalf of the church for our work this summer