A Few Pictures from the Trip Thus Far

This is Laura and me in front of a FRIENDS poster (our favorite show!) at an ice-cream store not far from the church building.
Here we are enjoying some sandwiches with the youth group and Travis and Randy at Youth Night on Friday night.
Laura plays soccer with some of the youth group kids. I watched from a safe distance, LOL.

So, Laura and I arranged our work and class schedules with the team yesterday, and now we're trying to settle into life here. We're going to be busy: VBS on Tuesdays (plus the prep work), picking up LST readers when some of the Auburn campaigners leave the week after next, small group on Saturdays, Youth Night on Fridays, LST parties on Thursdays, and the list goes on. There's lots to be praying about, for sure! This week, I would appreciate special prayers for:
- my VBS preparation and my first day with the kids on Tuesday
- Danieli, a girl I met at the LST party on Thursday who seems interested in coming to church
- Lara, a girl we met at the bank yesterday who speaks some English and we hope will be interested in starting LST studies when she returns home from her honeymoon next week
- our new small group, made up mostly of university women and young female professionals, that is starting today
Thanks for reading, and thanks for your prayers! I love you all!
Hey Heather,
Sure glad to hear that you all made it safely. The pictures are so sweet and lovely.. Thanks for sharing them and adding me to your email.
Camp Courage was good, however I had a very hard and difficult group this year and a counselor who didn't show up. I am exhausted but getting a little rest now.
My thoughts and prayers continue to be with you.
Much Love to you,
Anonymous, at 6/09/2007 2:57 PM
Looks like you're off to a good start, glad you're having a good time!
Alex, at 6/09/2007 3:11 PM
You are exactly where you are supposed to be. I can see it in your eyes. Enjoy every minute of it. It will be over before you know it. Love you girl.
Candy, at 6/09/2007 11:20 PM
That is a REALLY good picture of Laura in front of the friends poster...just thought I'd throw that out there. <3
Anonymous, at 6/10/2007 4:44 PM
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